Free Workshop: Beyond Bouncing Back

Learn how to grow beyond enduring difficult times and instead use these moments for growth.


10:00-11:30AM (Pacific)

On Zoom (link will be sent to registrants one day before event)

About this event

Resilience is often defined as the ability to bounce back from a difficulty and is a critical tool in the workplace and in life. But new research in post-traumatic growth suggests that individuals and employees have the capacity to do more than simply endure difficult times. In this session, Dusty will argue that adversity is not merely something to survive but can be a critical catalyst for growth. Attendees will leave with practical tools to help them face adversity in their own life as well as lead others through turbulent times. 

Who is leading the session

Dusty Breeding is the founder of a growth and development consulting company, the Skull and Bones Society, which aims to help teams and individuals get the most out of life. His sessions blend his experiences as an officer in the Army National Guard, a fitness instructor, university campus pastor, and adjunct professor. Dusty’s work has been informed by numerous challenges in recent years including those resulting from a mass shooting event claiming the life of a student where he worked and taught, followed by one of the most destructive fires in the state of California forcing a shutdown of that same university, and then sharing the eulogy at his father’s unexpected death related to COVID-19. Through these experiences and his academic research in post-traumatic growth, he has developed a simple message: the challenges we choose prepare us to face the challenges that choose us. 

Malika Begin has worked in the leadership development space partnering with startups and established companies in tech, marketing, and entertainment to create award-winning culture. Her company, Begin Development, works with companies to build strategic organization development and people focused cultures. Begin Development specializes in creating internal integrated leadership programs; including COLLAB (8 month leadership development program), manager development, monthly all company Learning & Development and coaching programs. She partners with executives to build in organization development capabilities, and works with teams to remove barriers to cross-departmental collaboration.

In partnership with Begin Development


7 Habits Training


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